Welcome to Cambridge Probabilitas!

These are our stats as of March 30, 2022:
- 316 Inferences
- Avg return 4.7% per inference
- 79% of inference with returns larger than 2%
- 57% of inference with returns larger than 5%
- 1 to 7 days hold time

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    What are we using?
    At the core of our project are deep neural networks, more specifically, we are using "transformers" to identify and contextualise short term trends. By short term we mean that the window of our inferences views the period 5 to 7 days past the inference date. For example if our inference date is January 3rd then our inference window would be January 10th through January 12th.

    Besides transformers, we also dealt with typical software engineering issues like having to collect, process and analyse data for over 5000 companies. Our system performs about 20 Billion operations on any given day.

    gray laptop computer turned-on

    Who are we?

    A collective of MIT and Fortune50 alumni, we are passionate about artificial intelligence, math and software engineering.